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Englanti The Gershwin estate continues to bring in...
The Gershwin estate continues to bring in significant royalties from licensing the copyrights on Gershwin's work. The estate supported the Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act because its 1923 cutoff date was shortly before Gershwin had begun to create his most popular works.
Nu prea inteleg ce e cu estateu-rile alea, si ....

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Romania ...
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Englanti His wider
His wider appeal surely lies in the essential conflict between the depth of emotion so often evident yet hidden behind his natural reserve.
ultima parte nu o inteleg (chiar ultimele cuvinte "often evident yet hidden behind his natural reserve.")

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Romania ÃŽntreaga lui
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Englanti Hi A. I just got the opportunity to send you...
Hi A.
I just got the opportunity to send you this in your own language...I think you will be surprised...but as you know...I only know 2 Romanian tought me...but maybe I can learn more in the future...Hope you had a nice day and I will look forward to get the next letter from you...not more for now...sleep well, when time comes.
with love, H
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Romania Bună A. Tocmai am avut oportunitatea să îţi trimit...
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Liettua kaip be taves dziaugtis ir liudet?
kaip be taves dziaugtis ir liudet?
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Englanti How can I be happy or sad without you?
Saksa Wie kann ich fröhlich oder traurig sein ohne Dich?
Italia Come posso essere felice o triste senza di te?
Kiina 沒有了你,我的歡喜與悲傷也沒有了意義。
Arabia كيف أكون سعيدا أو حزينا بدونك ؟
Romania Cum pot fi fericit(a) sau trist(a) fără tine?
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Englanti I don't understand why you don't even give me a...
I don't understand why you don't even give me a chance to let you see that love can be there also for you
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Romania Nu înţeleg de ce nu vrei să
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Englanti Boccherini fell on hard times following the...
Boccherini fell on hard times following the deaths of his Spanish patron, two wives, and two daughters, and he died in poverty in 1805, being survived by two sons.
Nu inteleg, i-au murit la Boccherini si nevestele si fiicele? si fii i-au ramas?

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Romania ...
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Englanti Neglected after his death—the dismissive ...
Neglected after his death—the dismissive sobriquet "Haydn's wife" dates from the nineteenth century— his works have been gaining more recognition lately, in print, record, and concert hall
Nu inteleg sensul: "the dismissive sobriquet "Haydn's wife" dates from the nineteenth century"

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Romania ...
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Zamanının büyük bir bölümünü Amerika’da geçiren ve Türkiye’de davetlerde pek de görmeye alışık olmadığımız Tarkan, Söğütoğlu ailesinin düğününe sevgilisi Bilge Öztürk ve arkadaşları ile katıldı.
Dikkat, hangi dilde olursa olsun, bütün metin tercümeleri, bu dilde kullanılan özel harfler kullanılmazsa reddedileceklerdir./Atenţie, orice traducere de text, în orice limbă ar fi ea, care nu utilizează diacriticele folosite în mod normal în respectiva limbă, va fi respinsă sistematic.

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Romania Tarkan Megastar Tarkan s-a prezentat la o nuntă în Sauda cu iubita lui, avocata Bilge Ozturk
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Tätä käännöstä pyydetään ainoastaan merkityksen osalta.
Englanti Traditional accounts of Enescu’s musical...
Traditional accounts of Enescu’s musical development place great emphasis on the elements of Romanian folk music which appear in his works at an early stage – above all, in the Poème roumain (1897) and the two Romanian Rhapsodies (1901)
Hi, I can't understand the first part of the sentence "traditional accounts" -> the most
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Romania Relatările obişnuite, curente...